HomeCLOUD COMPUTINGDiscover The Advantages Of Cloud Storage

Discover The Advantages Of Cloud Storage

Gone are when that file was stored on HDs and Pen drives. Things have changed; with the birth of cloud computing, cloud storage has been created, which is the most intelligent answer for anyone looking for security and accessibility for their files.

And in companies, it is no different. Cloud storage is now more than a reality; it’s a necessity. Many companies depend on the cloud to provide their services. Knowing this, Inova created this content that shows how your company can use cloud storage best. Come on?

What Can Be Stored In The Cloud?

Any data can be stored in the cloud, from simple files to complex systems, allowing them to be accessed at any time.

Cloud computing providers, such as Amazon Web Service, provide several cloud storage models that adapt to business needs. For example, if a company needs to store a database with a large volume of writing, providers bring specific solutions for this type of data.

Public Cloud Storage

Public cloud storage is the fundamental component for the architecture of most IT solutions, as it is an environment that can be expanded at any time.

In the cloud computing architecture, all data and information used by the applications are kept in the cloud and rely on a reliable infrastructure that meets the main premises: scalable, elastic, fault-tolerant, and highly available. This way, it is even more secure and reliable than traditional data center environments.

Hybrid Cloud Storage

The public cloud concept is still new and has yet to become popular among companies; many investments have already been made in purchasing physical components for a local data center. Migrating all services to the cloud, after applying so many resources in data centers, can be seen as a mistake in the strategic plan. However, it is possible to opt for hybrid storage. That is, it is possible to use the resources of the local data center and, for example, configure a backup of the entire environment in a public cloud. Hybrid cloud storage is also a great option to create redundancy, data replication, or even to design a high-availability service. This way, the chosen services in the local data center will be available in the public cloud.

How Does Data Migration To The Public Cloud Work?

Data is the basis for an organization’s success, and ensuring its high availability is fundamental to the business strategy. Everyone knows the risks of keeping a service running in a local data center, yet companies have more than 30 years of data stored in their environment. If your question is: “Can I migrate all my data to the cloud?”. The answer is yes! All major cloud service providers have specialized data migration services, ensuring data security and reliability when moving it to the cloud.

What Are The Benefits Of The Public Cloud?

The benefits of utilizing public cloud storage are numerous. Here are some of them:

  1. a) Scalability: Undoubtedly, the possibility of storing files in the cloud is differential. For cloud storage users, the possibility of starting with the necessary resources so that the services start with the necessary performance and capacity without having underutilized resources or depleted resources, as is common in deploying services using local data centers.
  2. b) Elasticity: With the need to evaluate computational resource dimension, the cloud proposes flexible systems without waste of investments. It becomes possible to dimension the necessary resources to meet a specific demand, even if punctual, increasing or decreasing according to the need.
  3. c) High Availability: Considering the need to have strategic data available at all times, the cloud brings the concept of high availability: no matter where, when, or how, your data will always be available, as long as you have an internet connection.
  4. d) Fault tolerance: The ability to continue operating continuously, even when a failure is identified in some component. With cloud services, services will not be impacted in case of failures, and the perception that the service is impacted is minimal. Also, there is no need to worry about physical maintenance; the cloud provider does this without interfering with the operation.
  5. c) Budget and resources: Use the payment method that best meets your business needs. Pay per consumption only for the amount and services you have used. This ensures the best price for the necessary resources.
  6. d) Backup and recovery: Cloud service providers offer several ways to deploy a storage or backup service. The cost of using storage services will be calculated according to the volume of data and business needs. This way, the IT manager can choose the solution closest to his needs. There are organizations, for example, where the most critical service is used only during business hours or once a year.

After knowing the benefits of cloud storage, it’s hard not to embrace this solution. The hybrid cloud is one of the best solutions for those who want to have the benefits of the cloud without giving up their local data center. In addition to being a transition option in which previous investments are leveraged, it can enhance security and add features and services quickly and functionally without the cost of physical space, equipment, or technical teams for deployment and configuration.

Also Read: Public Cloud: Understand What This Concept Is

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