HomeCLOUD COMPUTINGWhat Is Cloud Infrastructure, And What Are Its Characteristics

What Is Cloud Infrastructure, And What Are Its Characteristics

Cloud Infrastructure: As we have already said, this is a digital service for storing data in the cloud. By offering flexibility and agility to companies, the cloud is a facilitator of digital evolution and an important competitive differentiator.

With it, organizations themselves can control how their computing resources will expand as their business grows. This way, it is okay for managers to worry about the administration or maintenance of complex systems, being able to direct their efforts to other areas and optimize procedures without increasing expenses.

What Are The Characteristics Of Cloud Computing?

demand: the company does not need an IT professional or a detailed study of the amount of space required to store data, as it can expand with cloud computing;

pooled resources: cloud computing works with the multi-tenant model, that is, the same software has several users;

ease of access: the cloud system can be accessed from any location, as long as you have internet access;

monitoring of services: the use of cloud computing resources is constantly monitored and controlled. Thus, the computing capacity becomes equivalent compared to paid services.

What Are The Uses Of Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is an extremely broad field, being used not only by companies but also by individuals. Today, several online services — such as sending emails, watching movies, or storing photos in folders — are configured as cloud computing!

Despite being a relatively new service (cloud computing has only existed for about a decade), it is already widely used by many companies, including recent small corporations, that are already moving in step with technological trends.

Still, what are the main reasons for choosing this service? The answer is simple: the range of features it offers.

With the cloud, you can create services and applications, host websites and blogs, store and retrieve data, back up information, stream videos, and audio, analyze data and make predictions, monitor company performance, and provide software on demand, among many others!

So, How Do I Apply Cloud Computing To My Business?

Among the most diverse types of cloud computing applications, the most used are software for process management, databases, and information storage.

All of this can be done without the need for a specific machine, as all procedures are carried out via the Internet. Thus, it is possible to manage people, control cash flow and CRM data, or even integrate information into a single cloud ERP just by using the cloud.

There is also the possibility of developing unique software for your own business, making it even easier to carry out work with remote servers. Furthermore, accessing the cloud system is simple, as all you need is a computer connected to the Internet and a password.

Is It Worth Installing Cloud Computing In Small Businesses?

As small and medium-sized companies do not have a large volume of information and have limited investment capital, cloud services are a perfect option for this type of business.

After all, with them, managers no longer need to redirect spending on high-cost software, as the cloud system provider develops all the logistics and infrastructure of data storage systems.

  • This not only allows for a drastic cost reduction but also allows managers to dedicate their time to focusing on the weak points of their business, increasing their competitive advantage.

What Is The Price Of Cloud Computing Service?

In the previous topic, we made it clear that cloud computing allows savings in company expenses. But how much do you actually pay for this type of service? Well, this is another strong point of cloud infrastructure: you only pay for what you use.

In general, the services are available to the company with a certain hardware capacity, which varies according to the period of use. Therefore, the amounts paid correspond only to the type of plan contracted — which varies according to the company’s needs, that is, the amount of data it needs to store.

Using cloud software, therefore, means paying for the right to use that tool receiving all system updates without paying extra for it, unlike definitive programs, which require constant maintenance, which increases their costs.

Is Cloud Storage Safe?

In fact, this is the main fear of managers, who end up opting out of these services: if the information is stored in the cloud, this could leave it vulnerable.

However, what happens is exactly the opposite: companies that use cloud computing not only use this service but also all their available tools to avoid attacks, system crashes, and security breaches.

Thus, data security is extremely high, greatly reducing the chances of losing this information. What’s more, users have a password to access the report, which makes it even more difficult for other people to access it.

Does The Cloud Service Fit My Business?

Yes! Cloud computing was developed to adapt to any company, whatever the field of activity.

The organization has total flexibility regarding the use of resources, being able to request more space in the software or even new applications, and adapting the system to its needs.

However, it is necessary to make a caveat. Regardless of the type of company, it is important to have constant access to the Internet, as cloud computing services depend on a quality connection that guarantees information traffic.

Also Read: Traditional And Cloud Software: Advantages And Disadvantages

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