HomeBUSINESSEnterprise Search: 3 Reasons Why It's Fueling The Research Cycle

Enterprise Search: 3 Reasons Why It’s Fueling The Research Cycle

Research & development are usually faced with substantial amounts of data. It is often difficult for researchers to extract valuable content. An AI-supported search engine is particularly suitable for this.

Enterprise search solutions drive innovation by efficiently providing the information you need. Scientific and research institutions and development departments in companies benefit from this. And that for the entire duration of their projects. Enterprise search offers excellent potential in the following three areas:

Enterprise Search: Find The Experts You Are Looking For Quickly

Whether in the pharmaceutical, automotive, or electronics industry: corporations usually have substantial development departments with experts from a wide variety of specialist areas and at different locations. If a new project is pending, it is fundamental to put together suitable teams. Since research and development are interdisciplinary activities, decision-makers need a 360-degree overview of the right employees, including their specific know-how. With the help of Enterprise Search, you can quickly find the right people for the current research tasks based on personal profiles or publications by experts and can use the search results to put together the perfect team. In this way, project managers do not have to evaluate and compare the workforce’s existing knowledge manually.

Identify Project Knowledge With Enterprise Search

Once a project team has been put together, it starts working straight away. Research results from other teams or organisations can be helpful, especially at the start. However, the team has to find her first. Without an enterprise search solution that allows the research team to browse internal and external databases, digitised research literature, emails, and wikis, valuable time is wasted searching for information. An AI-supported search engine that covers entire research areas and discovers existing information, and relates it to one another, empower experts to draw knowledge from countless data that is elementary for their development work.

There is a great need for access to the often decentralised store of knowledge via an enterprise search solution at universities and research institutes: There is naturally a high fluctuation of scientists and students in these institutions. With every departure or graduation, a little knowledge is permanently lost. A central AI-supported solution for searching in a wide variety of sources can help, as it makes the knowledge that has already been collected permanently available.

Observing Trends And Research Results

The world of research and development never stands still, so observing current industry trends is also essential. Experts only address current requirements effectively if they are updated on industry trends, research results, and legal requirements. In this case, too, an enterprise search solution helps, which companies, universities, and other research institutes can also use for external sources of information. So-called alerts inform experts about news from external sources such as websites, specialist publications, updates in specialist databases, and similar relevant resources.

“For most projects, the time factor is significant. It is, therefore, a significant competitive advantage when teams can determine all relevant information quickly and completely”. “However, the problems in obtaining information are obvious: Important information is often contained in various structured and unstructured data sources and the case of doubt in all possible languages. An enterprise search solution marginalises these problems because it finds all information on keywords, topics, and questions – even from billions of documents and across a wide variety of resources, thus eliminating the need to reinvent the wheel over and over again.”

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