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HomeBUSINESS5 Essential Tips: This Is How Startups Grow Properly

5 Essential Tips: This Is How Startups Grow Properly

The more sales are generated & customers are acquired, the greater challenges for young startups grow. The reason is they are growing. We, therefore, give you five tips for successful startups.

The business model is in place, and the first customers are interested. The more, the better? What is positive for business can be a considerable challenge. It is not uncommon for startups to be surprised by rapid growth and then stumble.

Because of this, good preparation for growth is of great importance. The following five tips will help startups grow right from the start.

Startups Grow: 1: Professional Support In Generating Ideas

The idea is the foundation of every startup. A basic idea is usually given, but the correct elaboration is essential. Is a specific user problem solved? How similar are comparable products? It makes sense to seek professional support in generating ideas to clarify the most critical questions.

2: Allocation Of Roles In The Startup

Many startups start with just a few people. In most cases, only the founders take on all the tasks of a company themselves. Whether marketing, accounting, or management – you are responsible for all areas. Therefore, good growth needs to hand over individual sites to employees.

The main task of the founders is, therefore, to assign tasks to other people and manage them themselves. Because keeping an eye on and managing the startup’s success is a decisive factor in growth.

Finding the right people passionate about the same idea can be difficult. That is why it is also part of the job to replace people who do not fit.

3: Sound Financial Management

The financial planning of business plans often does not match reality. The result is fatal: the startups can no longer cover their costs. And then the business is over before it could even get started.

It is, therefore, essential for startups to operate good financial management and realistically plan how much money is needed. Not every idea works right away. So there is no point in turning the numbers so that it fits – in the end, a startup always catches up with reality.

To grow correctly, all income and expenses should always be compared, and investments and loan applications should be well planned.

4: Marketing And Feedback

Implementing an idea is good, but getting the finished product to people is often difficult. Startups continually invest a lot of time and money in implementation and production and only a little in marketing. To grow, a good marketing strategy is crucial. This is the only way to reach potential buyers.

Another good tip is to get feedback from external people regularly. It happens very quickly that one becomes blind to possible mistakes and improvements. Outsiders help to see these and make the product even better.

5: Speed Of Development

With many startups, the process is that an idea is there, but the actual development takes several years. This can mean that the competition is faster or that there are already other solutions to the problem.

For this reason, it is essential to have a strategic partner who can help in the search for suitable production facilities, the selection of the right materials, and the right technology.


Many strategic partners help startups to bring their products to market quickly. But what often falls by the wayside is help with technological development.

The Soften Venture Studio closes this gap precisely. Startups have the chance to be accepted into the company’s venture studio program in addition to up to 100,000 US dollars. They take part in training courses, promote their product, and introduce the founders to investors.

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