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HomeCLOUD COMPUTINGCloud Strategy: The Guard From Network To Application Access

Cloud Strategy: The Guard From Network To Application Access

A change in the cloud strategy must first be preceded by the acceptance of a new solution approach. The cloud has proven. A change in the cloud strategy must first be preceded by the acceptance of a new solution approach. The cloud has proven that even stubborn objectors can no longer ignore the advantages. The latest study shows that there is no longer a no-cloud strategy in companies these days.

More than 70 percent of decision-makers in Great Britain, Germany, France, and the Netherlands are already in the implementation phase of their digital transformation projects or are already benefiting from the scaling of the initiatives. Only seven percent of the companies surveyed have not yet started, as many have already completed their projects.

Cloud Strategy: Keep Applications In The Cloud

However, the modernization process is far from over with the relocation of the applications to the cloud. How can secure access to these applications be designed if the applications are kept in the cloud, and the Internet is advancing into the new corporate network? It is not uncommon for companies to neglect this part of the consideration. They remain in their traditional structures and send their users over the classic network infrastructure to gain access to their applications in a second step. This detour affects not only speed but also safety.

Today, users no longer want to differentiate between applications stored in the network and applications in the cloud. For him, seamless access to his applications is crucial, regardless of whether they are held in the private or public clouds, in Azure and AWS, or the company’s internal data center. He also expects the smooth user experience that he is used to from his apps on the smartphone from business applications.

The change to a limitless work environment has thus begun. Whether the desk is in the office or home office, whether the employee works as a road warrior and accesses his applications and data from the hotel or airport, the way there must be safe and quick, and the only thing that matters for the employee is connectivity.

The Cloud Strategy Requires A Detachment From Network Access

To guarantee the user an uninterrupted experience, the cloudification should also be accompanied by changing the guard from network access and replaced by permit at the application level. Because if the application has already left the company network, why should the employee still be connected to the network and not access his app directly? Opening the entire network for remote access by the user only creates a security risk for the company. When companies turn to the cloud for efficiency reasons, they will do well to consider modern approaches to secure access at the same time.

The Zero Trust approach provides a variety of solutions to answer how users who are not given “basic trust” from the outset can only be connected securely to the applications for which they are authorized, with ongoing checking of their access rights. To guarantee the future workplace, companies should give thought to them and incorporate Zero Trust Network Access into their cloud strategy from the outset because cloudification heralds the changing of the guard for conventional network access.

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