HomeBUSINESSFive Best Corporate Benefits To Offer In Your Company

Five Best Corporate Benefits To Offer In Your Company

Corporate Benefits: In your opinion, what do the best companies to work for have in common? According to a survey by Glassdoor, the answer lies in the concern for employee well-being, quality of life and corporate benefits offered by these organizations.

This is because a company’s greatest asset is, without a doubt, its human capital. In this sense, taking care of your employees is essential.

One of the best ways to do this? Investing and offering differentials in the corporate benefits package go far beyond the salary and directly influence the day-to-day work.

These small details improve productivity and, as a result, increase the feeling of belonging as a whole in the organization.

What Are Corporate Benefits?

In short, corporate benefits are resources, flexible or not, offered to employees to improve their quality of life and add value beyond salary.

They can also be delivered in different ways and for other purposes. But, generally, they are associated with food, transport, education, leisure and medical assistance.

It is also worth remembering that some benefits, such as transport vouchers, 13th salary, paid vacations, FGTS and other rights provided for in the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), are mandatory.

However, the non-compulsory benefits, also known as flexible benefits, grab workers’ attention. That’s because, by offering them, your company shows that it cares about its employees and their well-being. 

There is no denying it: the pandemic directly influenced work relationships. And these changes have directly affected the way benefits are perceived by employees.

According to a survey by Robert Half, most respondents (86%) agree that it would be interesting for some benefits to change going forward.

Among the highlights of the survey is the change in the way employees have come to face the importance of health insurance and remote work, which emerges as one of the new aids offered by organizations.

Below, we list the five most valued benefits that professionals have and should be on your company’s radar.

Health Plan

This is, without a doubt, the corporate benefit most valued by the market. According to a recent study in the HR area, 93% of the companies interviewed offer the service, and 3% intend to provide it in the next few years.

In addition, for every 10 HR professionals interviewed, eight believe this benefit directly helps retain and attract talent.

This is because hiring this benefit helps the employee feel more valued and saves money on health issues for him and his family members.

Dental Care

Like a health plan, dental procedure is one of the most coveted benefits by professionals. After all, it is an essential service that, in most cases, is not very affordable. 

Therefore, companies that provide this benefit stand out in the market and always remain ahead of the competition, as they reinforce the care of employees, which goes far beyond salary.

In addition, 86% of the companies interviewed in the HR market study stated that they offer the benefit internally – and 6% still intend to implement it.

Scholarships And Academic Incentives

Whether undergraduate, postgraduate, technical or professional courses, academic incentives are very well regarded by the market.

This is because this type of financial aid, whether total or partial, makes the company seen as a good employer brand.

For you to have an idea of the professionals who participated in the interview, 50% believe this is a valuable benefit to retain and attract the best professionals in the market. 

Home Office Assistance

If your company still doesn’t offer home office assistance to employees, turn on the alert! With the pandemic that started in 2020, this subject has become increasingly relevant when we talk about the corporate benefits package.

After all, most companies had to reinvent themselves with the need for social isolation. As a result, remote work has become a reality for many professionals.

Culture Voucher

Another benefit that can be part of your company’s package is the Vale culture. It is nothing more than a monthly benefit that helps employees enjoy cultural outings, such as cinemas, theaters, museums, concerts, and exhibitions.

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