HomeDIGITAL MARKETINGThe Complete Guide To Creating A Digital Marketing Strategy

The Complete Guide To Creating A Digital Marketing Strategy

The digital marketing strategy consists of actions that help businesses achieve their goals through online marketing. In other words, a system is simply a plan of action to perform one or more previously defined objectives. For example, a company aims to generate 25% more leads on its website than the previous year.

What Is A Digital Marketing Strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is based on actions using different online marketing channels to achieve predefined objectives. Including digital marketing in a company’s communication plan is essential because it will guarantee its success.

In a constantly changing digital world, success can often depend on what the company does or does not do regarding online marketing. Even if traditional media still occupy a good place in marketing campaigns, they involve a significant flaw: the need for more precision in analyzing the scope and effectiveness of the strategies implemented. With digital marketing, on the contrary, marketers have powerful analytics tools to measure the impact of SEO or content marketing, for example.

What Is A Digital Marketing Campaign?

A digital marketing strategy can include different digital marketing campaigns. These campaigns are the components or actions of the overall system that help get closer to the set objective.

For example, to generate more leads on Twitter, a company decides to run a campaign by sharing some of its best content requiring submitting a form on this social network. This campaign is an integral part of its overall strategy to generate more leads.

It is crucial to remember that a campaign only automatically becomes a strategy if it is run over several years. It is a tactical element that constitutes a strategy when combined with other initiatives. It is a tactical component that forms a plan, added to other campaigns.

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Quantitative or demographic information.

Location: Web analytics tools like Google Analytics can be used to identify where the visitor is coming from quickly.

Age: This information is more or less relevant depending on the company. Gathering this data by identifying trends in the existing customer and prospect database is recommended.

Income: It is advisable to collect sensitive information like personal income during interviews, as some users may want to keep it private from online forms.

Profession: Consulting the existing customer base helps to get an idea of the profession. This information is especially relevant for B2B companies.

Qualitative or socio-demographic information

Objectives: Depending on the need for its product or service, the company must know the goals its personas seek to achieve. However, it is always best for her to solidify her assumptions by questioning her customers, salespeople, and customer service members.

Challenges: Here again, each entrepreneur must interact with their customers, salespeople, and customer service members to understand the common problems facing their audience.

Interests: It is essential to talk to customers and users who match the target audience. For companies in the fashion industry, it would be interesting to know if many of their potential customers are also interested in fitness and wellness to tailor their future content and partnerships.

Priorities: Speaking with customers and users who fit the target audience is necessary to discover what is most important to them in their relationship with the company. For example, for a B2B software company, knowing that its audience values customer service more than an attractive price is valuable information.

Summary Of Creating A Digital Marketing Strategy

Once the plan is organized and the research carried out, companies have a more precise idea of ​​the elements that will constitute their digital marketing strategy. At this stage, they should, therefore, have defined or created the following elements:

  • the accurate profile of their buyer personas;
  • one or more marketing objectives;
  • a spreadsheet including their internal, external, and paid media;
  • an assessment of their interior, shallow, and paid media;
  • a content creation project or wish list.

Now is the time to combine these elements to establish a solid strategy. We must remember that a digital marketing strategy is a series of actions that help achieve goals through online marketing.

Following this definition, the strategy document must reference the series of actions to be carried out to achieve the objectives based on the research carried out. The Excel sheet is undoubtedly the most suitable format. For greater consistency, it is likely more straightforward to establish the plan according to the internal, external, and paid media used so far.

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